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where’s the light at the end of the tunnel?

Archive for April 2008

i miss you

April 24, 2008

I miss you. I miss your hugs, your kisses, your words. Everything about you. I’m really sorry for what happened. I want you back. I want my chipmunk back. I miss the times we spent together, and the phone calls and sms-es we send each other everyday. I miss the way you can cheer me […]


April 23, 2008

说太多也是没有用,我就是喜欢你,一天不见我就心里空荡荡的。 有时候我的语言不好听,联社不好看,但我真的爱你,这辈子有你我就足够了。 对不起。


April 16, 2008

I feel empty. Life seems to have no purpose anymore. I don’t seem to have much friends in school, and outside. People hardly ask me out. I seem to be always their “second plan”, maybe because I am a boring person and not someone physically attractive. Sometimes I wish I can just stay at home every […]


April 14, 2008

People put on their masks everywhere they go, even at home. When they’re caught off-guard without their mask on, you would see their weakest, most vulnerable moment. This blog, is an extension of me, without my mask on. Here is where all my most vulnerable thoughts lie. But at the same time, when I’m blogging, […]


April 11, 2008

Since the world, living species has always been adapting and evolving to suit the constant changes in this world, to avoid becoming extinct. Now in the 21st century, homo sapiens are constantly adapting and evolving, mentally, to suit the changes in the human world, because most of these changes are psychological. No one likes changes, it’s […]